Monday, June 23, 2014

Risk Malaysia 1.3 Release Note

RELEASE DATE: 1 July 2014


  1. Choosing the Nationalist Faction no longer crashes the game.
  2. There are no longer stray EF Typhoon fighters near Vietnam (so far la).
  3. Sometimes when the war gets too intense the game crashes. This is a machine-related issue, please check if your PC has the history to turn off by itself or crashes in other games. Otherwise, enjoy the unlimited Michael Bay-fest battlefield.
  4. Sometimes a player gets kicked out of a game for no reason. This is a network issue and may relate to No. 3 above. Otherwise, you may want to restart the router or get a LAN cable for uninterrupted gameplay.


  1. Trade Route - Earn gold by sending Transport Ships to 4 international trade routes.
  2. Oil Refinery - Capture cities with Oil Refineries to earn Resources and/or sell fuel to Merchant of War to earn gold.
  3. BSOD - A new item sold by the Merchant of War which unleashes an in-game virus which causes other payers to get a temporary Blue Screen of Death. Costs 5,000 Gold.
  4. EU Command Centres can now fire Orbital Bombardment anywhere on the map, making the faction a bit overpowered. However, smart players can deny EU Supporters their access to Resources to limit the construction of Command Centres.
  5. New icons for abilities of Saboteur and some other units which I've forgotten.
  6. Some Easter eggs here and there referencing our other games.

  1. Addition of a new faction; The Brotherhood. It is a coalition of religiously motivated militants coming into the region to assist their brothers of the faith. Like the other 3 factions, it will be distinctive in terms of units, abilities and gameplay. Ideas are welcomed.
  2. RISK MALAYSIA 2! We are recruiting interested programmers, graphic designers and 3D modelers to develop a standalone indie MMORTS. Interested individuals may leave comments below and we'll contact you personally.

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